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How to use health insurance?

Where to apply for outpatient and inpatient treatment services?

Outpatient services

In case of health problems, contact your general practitioner who will prescribe a treatment plan or, if necessary, refer you to the appropriate specialist. When receiving outpatient services, we invite you to rationally use ERGO services and, before applying for a paid service, familiarise yourself with the list of medical institutions providing the State-paid outpatient healthcare services and information about the waiting time (days). ERGO partners are listed in the ERGO insurance partners section.

Scheduled inpatient services

We recommend that you coordinate a surgery with an ERGO consultant before undergoing the surgery. You can do this by contacting the facility directly, informing it that you have ERGO health insurance and requesting that the surgery be coordinated with ERGO.


A major part of treatment services is paid for by the State (physician’s consultations, tests). These services are of high quality and are often available without long queues. If you receive partially State-funded services at a public medical institution, we will cover the additional treatment costs assigned to you

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