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Why is it necessary to report violations?

ERGO adheres to a high ethical business standard in its business activities and strictly complies with the requirements of laws to ensure responsible business activities aimed at creating sustainable value and meeting the needs of our customers and partners.
One of ERGO's priorities is the ability to detect and address every potential threat of laws and regulations breaches. Therefore, we would appreciate if you report any observed illegal activities (discrimination, corruption, fraud, etc.) involving ERGO employees, ERGO clients, or other parties associated with ERGO.
The whistleblower does not have to prove his/her suspicions, however ERGO kindly asks you to use your rights to whistleblow in good faith.

What is a violation?

A violation of law is an illegal act or omission that is contrary to the laws of Lithuania or the European Union and with which the whistleblower has been exposed in his or her work-related activities and has reasonable grounds to believe that the violation is happening or has happened. 


The violation and non-compliance may relate, for example, to the following areas:

  • corruption / bribery;
  • tax evasion;
  • threats to environmental safety, including actions affecting climate change;
  • occupational safety hazards;
  • violations of human rights;
  • environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects;
  • public procurement;
  • financial services, products and markets
  • insider trading/ market manipulation;
  • money laundering, terrorism and proliferation financing;
  • breach/ circumvention of financial sanctions;
  • violations of anti-trust (competition) law
  • product safety and compliance;
  • consumer protection;
  • personal data protection;
  • information security;
  • any other criminal, illegal, fraudulent, unethical, uncompliant behaviour or event.

Protection of the whistleblower

In accordance with the legislation, whistleblowers have guaranteed protection against possible retaliation in connection with the whistleblowing, e.g. dismissal of the whistleblower's employment contract, reduction of salary, prevention of promotion are prohibited due to whistleblowing. The whistleblower shall not be protected if he or she knowingly made false statements in the whistleblowing report.

Important information

  • Knowingly making false statements is prohibited and may result in internal investigations, civil or criminal proceedings.
  • We will send a confirmation of receipt of the report within two working days of receiving it.
  • We will inform if the report has been qualified as whistleblowing, on the progress of investigation (if qualified), on the facts established and the decision taken or activities performed after investigation has been completed.
  • We process personal data (incl. special categories of personal data) submitted by whistleblowing report on the basis of a legal obligation in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and special norms in the Whistleblowing Law.

To report violations, you can do so by:

We highly appreciate any reports of observed illegal activities.

Please note that the Whistleblowing channel is not intended for client inquiries and complaints. If you have other concerns (e.g., about service quality, customer service, or technical disruptions), please contact ERGO through the usual channels.


Confidential Whistleblowing form

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

Anonymous ERGO Group Whistleblowing form

You can also report serious compliance violations (e.g., corruption and bribery, abuse of official position, fraud, competition law violations, conflicts of interest, etc.) or observed violations of the Munich Re (ERGO shareholder) Code of Conduct by using the anonymous ERGO Group Whistleblowing channel by filling out the online form HERE. This system operates in English or German.


We highly appreciate any reports of observed illegal activities.

Thank you for your contribution to helping us be transparent.


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